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The history of sad days  or resistance to corruption (Afterword, Content, About the Author)


In his preface, written in this book, the famous writer Annakuli Nurmammadov states: "This novel probably brings more suffering to the author than honor."

Frankly, I did not write this book for fame. Otherwise, I would follow the path of those who write by elevating rulers and their policies, as the praiseers do.

My main goal - through reflecting the shortcomings (corruption) that personally faced in both their homelands, eliminate them, at least reduce them.

Due to the fact that,  I mercilessly criticized corruption in Uzbekistan, for which, despite my merit to my country and science, I became an “undesirable person” in Uzbekistan. Today, when it begins to stop the unreasonable use of agrochemicals, in reducing corruption in Uzbekistan, there is a certain role for this book too. And this is affected like a balm to my sadness, which I experienced in this case.

And the second homeland -  the UK, when the British love him (once), because they are a citizen of this country, I love this country twice - as a citizen of this country and as granted asylum. Therefore, putting my life at risk, I decided to fight against corruption in this country. I pray to God that, my struggle and this book reduce corruption in the UK.

I, like the researchers of the British research center Chatham House, as a scientist studied the activities of the courts, judges, police and others for several years, and as a result came to the conclusion that the relevant courts, judges, police and others make a fair decision only if corruption does not interfere in the case.

If corruption interferes, and besides the judge turns out to be unscrupulous, then every law turns into rubber, and it is stretched at the judge's wish to any size and side.

In the British media often and willingly write about corruption in Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan..

The (especially British) reader of this book will have a question: - It turns out that we (in Britain) have no better situation with corruption than in Russia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Why are the respective leaders of Britain, not recognizing and not fighting this problem? First of all, the researchers of the Chatham House research center should study the situation of corruption in our country.

And one of the main goals of this book is this one!

The family and motherland served from the heart, and in every way. I look at the suffering that they brought me and involuntarily I think: "Perhaps, I myself am not a good person."

On the other hand, in one poem dedicated to me attaining the age of the Prophet (63), the poet wrote

                                                     Do not seek loyalt

In this unjust world.

                           The poet said there will be no fidelity

              Not from anyone except God.

I was convinced how right the poet who wrote this poem was right. And I took this sadness, based on the advice: "We should agree – to our God-given fate" as God's destiny.

It would be appropriate to emphasize what the well-known journalist and poet Ismat Khushev wrote:

                          Teacher, holy 70 years old, let them be blessed!

Maybe emigration is also a legacy to you, from your grandfather (al-Khorazmiy).

I felt a deep philosophical meaning. The reason is that 70 years for me it is sacred, because this is the age of my great great-grandfather al-Khorazmiy (780-850). Probably emigration,  nostalgia and sadness is also a legacy from him.

Because of my struggle for justice, oppressors (corrupt officials) unjustly hurt me and were happy to say: "Look at those who oppose us!". And I rejoice at the words of the great Alisher Navoi: "In the struggle for justice, I will achieve my goal!" Also in the sacred books, it is stressed that:

If you can do one single miserable person happy,

   It is better than making the whole world prosperous

If a miserable mafia is happy to ruin my family, health and life, then I'm glad that I was able to make happy the miserable mafia with my suffering. See, and the oppressors are glad, and the victim is glad.

My request to the distinguished readers is that if in my humble work there are acceptable places, pray for me. The sacred books emphasize this: "Collective prayer will be heard and rewarded!". Based on this prescription, probably responding to your prayers, the All-Merciful and Merciful God will show mercy to me, his exhausted slave.



 About the Selected Works of   Professor Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy......................…3

About my father’s works ……………….......................................................................……… 31

Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy is 70 years old ………....................……...........................…………34

P r e f a c e   to documentary-historical novel  by Professor  Khorazmiy                                                   "The history of sad days, or resistance to corruption"....................................................…71


Chapter- I.  Sad days of legacy from ancestors ……….....................................……………. 74

Chapter- II. The beginning of sad days for Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy....................................87

Chapter-III.  Heavy struggle against corruption, or, how   Khorazmiy turned out to be                               the enemy of the Karimov regime……..................................................................................155

Chapter-IV. The story of one photo, or,   the pure truth about                                                                   Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy……………….....................................................................……….……171

Chapter-V. About sad days in emigration (on the second native land)…..............................182

Chapter-VI. About the sad days children of Khorazmiy  in their homeland……...................205

Chapter-VII.  Sadness from diseases…………………………...................................…………..225

Chapter-VIII.  Science and husband are just an excuse,                                                                          a home and a wealth of purpose…………………………………...........................................…….261

Chapter-IX. About the Mafia and the trouble with it………….........................................…….289

Chapter-X. Seeking a Justice  or tough  fighting  against a corruption….............................338


Briefly about the Author……………………………………......................................…………….…..377 


Briefly about the Author

Professor Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy, was born in 1948 in the Khorezm region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. He through his father's ancestors is connected with the great Turkmen poet and thinker Makhdumkuli-Fragy line, and along the line of the mother - with the great scholar-encyclopedist Muhammad al- Khorazmiy.

He conducted his activities in different countries of the world and wrote more than two hundred articles, thirty books and treatises devoted to problems of agrochemistry, soil science, agriculture, ecology, religion, mysticism, history, politics, sports, literature, education and other branches in different languages. On the basis of which, in many languages, his "Selected Works" is published in more than 20 volumes. He is recognized in the central media of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan as the "Pride of Khorezm".

A.Khorazmiy became even more famous due to his concepts and efforts to improve the ecology of the biosphere, human health and improve soil fertility by limiting the use of agrochemicals in agriculture, and also, in the unification of Khorezm.

Unknowingly, in 1962 (at the age of 14) came to the literature. The editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Khorezm truth”, poet Egam Rakhim, speaking on television, called him "The youngest poet of Khorezm". Akhmad-hoji is recognized as a writer through his prosaic books like "The Commissioner"(1999), "Fate"(2002), "Khorezm satires"(2009), "The fate of the scientist"(2015), “The history of sad days” (2018) and a number of journalistic articles.

Therefore, the outstanding Turkish scholar and writer Isa Kayajan, the renowned Turkmen writer and diplomat Annakuli Nurmammadov, the famous Uzbek poet and writer Holdor Vulcan wished him a "Godspeed" in literary creation. And this article was published in many countries and languages.

Despite the fact that, he is a member of the international Eurasian (London) Creative Guild, and some of his books have turned into bestsellers, songs written on many poems by his authorship are performed by well-known singers and are broadcasted on radio and television, he does not pretend to be a writer or a poet.

About life and activity of Khorazmiy written more than forty articles, radio and TV essays. Songs written on verses of Khorazmiy and poems dedicated to him are performed on radio and television broadcasts, at wedding receptions, at various events. He is the father of nine children and the beloved grandfather of many grandchildren and great-grandchildren..

The above brief autobiography of A.Khorazmiy is prepared on the basis of published materials of famous scientists and authors in different languages and countries.


Категория: Адабиёт | Добавил: Horazmiy (2018-04-28)
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