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The history of sad days  or resistance to corruption (Chapter-VI)

         About the sad days children of Khorazmiy in their homeland
The life of Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy's children, who lived in Khorezm, literally, was sad. Their mother received a small pension, for which they could not only live, but also pay for utilities. In addition, 14-15-year-old daughter Nasiba was sick, her congenital heart disease was also a hernia. Therefore, they needed a lot of money for her long treatment.
The eldest son-Oybek since 2003 studied in the full-time department of TashGAU. And every year, besides living in Tashkent, he needed money to pay the contract.
The average daughter Nodira had two young children, she herself suffered from poor vision, her husband (Otabek) was irresponsible, often went to jail. Therefore, they had to help as much as possible.
The eldest daughter - Nigora in her youth stayed with her grandmother, because her parents (Khorazmiy and his wife) went abroad. Then she had rheumatism, and later this disease affected her heart. Every year she needed, at least, to lie 2 times in the hospital and get qualified treatment.
Despite the fact that Nigora and her two children lived in Mary (Republic of Turkmenistan), her life was not smooth either. Her husband died of cancer. As a result, her life in Turkmenistan, especially her health, gradually deteriorated. Therefore, she also needed to be brought to Khorezm (Uzbekistan) and treated. This process was carried out through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of both states, so it was possible with difficulty and lasted a long time.
Naturally, all the costs associated with the invitation of Nigora to Uzbekistan, as well as its treatment were on the shoulders of Khorazmiy. If the material condition of Khorazmiy itself was satisfactory, the remaining difficulties would be tolerated.
It turns out that the life of children is much more expensive than their own. Khorazmiy saved 20 pounds of money 35, which weekly NASS gave dwelling. It was not easy to save this money. He, despite the fact that his leg was ill, had to walk to the college every day (5-6 km). He fasted two days a week, only twice a week he ate a hot dish.
In winter, the street was 20-centimeter snow, but no gas was used to warm the house. He slept in a hat and a coat, under a double cloth. Sometimes in the room where Khorazmiy slept, water froze. But, the saved money all the same to children for residing at the native land did not suffice.
Therefore, despite the inability to work one hand and legs and age, over 60 years to find money for children, despite the lawlessness (to work without permission was illegal, and for such actions could be taken into custody for several years), worked as a handyman, guest worker.
                                                               *      *
Khorazmiy in the UK, did not engage in politics or opposition activities, but the government of Uzbekistan included him on the blacklist as a dangerous person and followed his every step with the movement.
After Khorazmiy stayed in England, his friends who visited his home in Uzbekistan, as well as relatives who worked in responsible positions, the NSS staff called and exerted pressure. Who helped the children of Khorazmiy, and those who communicated with him, frightened and threatened that they would be arrested and their property would be confiscated. Some even took a receipt.
Khorazmiy understood everything why the mother of his children was arrested, about false testimony, after which 10-13 year old disabled children were left without parents, hungry and homeless, and the reason why not only friends, but even relatives could not help them. Therefore, Khorazmiy did not hold any grudge against anyone.
As was stressed above, we return to the main theme.
In 2006, on September 4, the inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department of Bagat District Police Department Fakhritdin Abdullayev and two colleagues came to the house of pensioner Ugulzhan Elamanova, who lived in Khizhalik village.
-We received an anonymous statement that you sell drugs. We also have data that your husband sends you dollars from England. If you immediately give us $ 1000, we will leave and tell the leadership that "there are no drugs,"- police said.
-I did not have any drugs, please check everything yourself. We hardly live for the money that the father of my children sends, - the landlady told them. 
The militiamen took the old woman to the collective farm office and gave her, prepared in advance, 1.5 grams of drugs and said:
-Most of the drug dealers are related to the district officials, and the rest regularly bring us the relevant payments. Therefore, our district can not fulfill the plan to detain drug traffickers. Let's go back to your home and you, with witnesses, say, "I have no more drugs than these 1.5 grams" and return them to us, then write an explanatory note (photo-1). Then we will fine you by 1-2 thousand soums and even pay this fine yourself - this is the instruction of the chiefs. Thus, they persuaded the old woman and arrested her.

             Photo-6.1. The process of writing the explanatory U. Elamanova under the deception of the police.                   Khorezm - 2006

The next day, the brothers Ugulzhan brought to the police 1000 dollars. But, the criminal investigation inspector F.Abdullaev told them:
-Yesterday asked for 1000, she did not give. Now if only give 2000 dollars, she will come out.
They could not find so much money, and the police transferred her case to court.
The judge also wanted to get a lot of money, so almost half a year the case dragged Ugulzhan Elamanova. When he received the appropriate amount, he said: "For how much they paid, so much you will receive" and gave her 5 years in prison.
At home there were 10 and 14-year-old children without parents, and there was nobody to look after them. Their life was not of interest to either the judge or the government. Relatives also were afraid to help children with disabilities because of threats from the NSS.
When the mother of the children was imprisoned, Khorazmiy, being in England, gave all the attention to the children, he sent everything he had to them. They were still small, so they could not cook the food themselves. And since they could not knead the dough and bake bread, they bought it at the market. When they were late, they remained hungry. Such cases they have happened many times.
Provision of gas and light was not so continuous, but even for "untimely payment", gas and electricity were cut off. As a result, the children stayed in the dark and cold. They were afraid and could not sleep, spent whole nights sitting and crying.
Therefore, the sister and brother worked in the homes of relatives and also in those or other where they could work. Nasiba was engaged in washing dishes and other cleaning work at home, day and night, and 11-year-old Ulugbek, from dawn to dusk, grazing sheep and other cattle of the owner, worked as a mardikor (handyman) in difficult conditions (photo-2).
In December 2007, a presidential decree was issued on the amnesty of prisoners who had passed a certain part of the term. Therefore, he hoped that the decision of the president would affect the mother of his children - U.Elamanova, and she, too, would be released.

Photo-6.2. Ulugbek (rear) as  Gastarbeiter.  Khorezm-2007

But, the prison staff applied this decree to those who give bribes and talked openly about it among the prisoners.
 In April 2008, prisoners were released on the condition that they would work at their place of residence and transfer money to prison, and this would apply to those who had little time left. Those who can not afford a bribe, this document was not applied to them.
Finally, Khorazmiy on the phone talked with the representative of the prison administration, who introduced himself as "Mahkam". And he said:
-Teacher, it became difficult to live in Uzbekistan, if you send 1000 "green", the mother of your children will be at home tomorrow. But, the children of Khorazmiy could not get such a large amount of "green", so they applied to President Islam Karimov with a statement.
It was interesting that the children of Khorazmiy appealed to the President about the injustice of law enforcement officers, and their application for consideration from the presidential administration was sent to the same law enforcement agencies.  
Their application was handled by a member of the Bagat Prosecutor's Office, a certain Marat. Khorazmiy talked to him on the phone and began to beg him:
-Maratzhan, brother, because of the statement, you have a chance, helping orphans, to do a good deed. Maybe this opportunity is given to you by God, I beg you, please, help orphans with living parents.
-Teacher, they say: "From the charity the pockets are not filled." Our earnings depend on such cases. You also help us "green", and we, depending on your "help", will provide appropriate assistance to your children, -said the prosecutor's official.
The children of Khorazmiy can not render the "help" that Marat asked. And therefore they did not receive any help from the prosecutor's office.
For this reason, Khorazmiy began to act to invite orphaned children to the UK. After overcoming many bureaucratic obstacles and difficulties, the children of Khorazmiy got the opportunity to enter the British Embassy in Tashkent.
Due to the fact that employees of the British Embassy also got infected with corruption, they also fooled them to admit them to the embassy, and they did not let them in until they thanked them.
This could be found on the letter of children, which was written via the Internet on November 29, 2007. This letter (photo-3) at the bottom is given unchanged: 

                                                Hello, Daddy
We recently borrowed money and with a relative went to Tashkent in order to go to you. 10 days went, tried, but the British Embassy did not accept us. They said you come on 01/18/2008.
The gas was cut off, because there was no money, pay for it. It was cold at home, and we fell ill. There is no money for treatment either. 

Photo-6.3. E-mail of children written for Khorazmy

If someone gives the remains of their food or dried bread, we eat, otherwise we remain hungry.
Daddy, we cry every day, if you do not quickly take us, we do not know what will happen to us.
Nasiba Khorazmiy and Ulugbek Khorazmiy
After reading this letter, Khorezmi's heart was squeezed. In his pocket there was not a penny to send them, because two days ago he sent all the money to Oibek in Tashkent.
He borrowed 40 pounds at a rate of 50%  per week, and through Oibek he sent Nasiba and Ulugbek. 

Children Khorazmiy January 18, 2008, with great difficulty entered the British Embassy in Tashkent. In the embassy they were returned back because of the lack of a visa for OVIR (permission to leave the country).
In fact, it is not difficult to get a visa (certainly to those who give a bribe), but this process, that is, the submission of documents and the receipt of a visa for OVIR, for them turned into a real torture. They handed over all the documents requested by the OVIR employee of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Khorazmiy region - a certain Pirmat. But, they were told that their application would be considered, but they did not issue an OVIR visa to them.
  In the end, Khorazmiy managed to talk on the phone with Pirmat himself about this:
-Have pity on these orphans with living parents, please help them,- Khorazmiy said.
-The headmasters from Tashkent said to help not in tears, but only in "green". Send 2000 dollars and your children will receive OVIR within a week, - the officer said in response.
  Obviously, the children could not find such a sum and turned for help to Uncle Shuhrat Hasanov, who worked in the UVD. And he began to avoid them. After that, Khorazmiy was forced to call Shuhrat (nephew) and ask him to help the children.
Shukhrat did not know that his Uncle Khorazmiy was calling, and he answered the phone. As soon as he recognized his uncle, he immediately turned off his phone. After that, he changed his phone number. Of course, Khorazmiy guessed the reason for his nephew's attitude towards him, and did not call him again.
The above mentioned details forced the children to write a repeated application addressed to the president (photo-4), which is not changed below.

To the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the distinguished I.A.Karimov
From Nasiba and Ulugbek Khorazmiy, living at the address: Khorezm region, Bagat district, Khuzhalik village.
Repeated application

Based on our father's advice and hoping for your help, we turned to you with a statement (a copy in the attachment). According to our statement, apart from paperwork, no practical assistance has been provided. We just earned the nickname: "Complainants".
For several years now, as our father in England, and the retired mother in prison (the documents in the attachment), we 10 and 14-year-old disabled children left on the street.
We have been trying to leave for England for two years, but nothing happens.

Photo-6.4. Repeated statement of children written to the president

In order to obtain permission from the OVIR, officers in the OVIR department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Khorezm region first demanded documents (attached) from the father. Then they demanded the documents of the mother who is in prison (in the attachment). When all the documents were collected, and after all this, they began to say that we should "thank" the Tashkent bosses.
When Dad talked to them on the phone, they said that to get Mom out of prison and, for this, "thank" the prison staff, in order to get the OVIR, we must "thank" and give the "green" OVIR officers.
Dear Grandfather President, "thank" those of your own hungry and rather send us to our father. Or send us, too, to prison. Tired of us this unjust life, which is worse than prison.
(7 documents attached to the application)
Hoping for your help, Nasiba and Ulugbek Khorazmiy (signatures) 30.05.2008

And from this repeated application of the children there was no sense. On the contrary, they were called: "Writers (complainants) accusers."
By mid-May 2008, almost everyone except Ugulzhan Elamanova was released from the prison of Khuzhali (of course, those who gave bribes).
Children on May 23, 2008 went to prison and met with their mother (photo-5). Then the eldest son, Oybek, called the head of the prison to himself and explained:
- It turns out that you graduated from university and a mature guy. It is impossible to release your mother from here until you, like everyone else, pay for "expenses."  Because I owe each prisoner who is released to give the top a "share". Probably saw that your mother is sick, if she is still here for 3-4 months, then you will take her body. If you need a mother, come on, hurry, - said the chief.
Oybek conveyed the essence of this conversation to the Dad (Khorazmiy). And after that, Khorezmy worked for a month as a guest worker, also borrowed money and sent the amount ($ 500) that the prison governor demanded. From the day he received this money, during the week the mother was at home. 

                             Photo - 6.5. The process of meeting children with their mother in the women's colony                                                  of the Khujayly (KKR) prison. 2008-маy

 Having learned about the joy of their children due to the release of their mother, Khorazmiy forgot about fatigue. It turned out that Ugiljon in the prison earned many diseases and became disabled. And they needed money to cure her. Khorazmiy was in debt. Oybek also engaged in gastarbeiter (guest worker), but this was not enough for the maintenance of the family. Therefore, he was forced to call for his hard work of his younger brother - Ulugbek.
Oybek could work without problems, since he was already an adult. But, the poor father's heart was compressed, but that 12-13 year old Ulugbek worked as a mardikor (unskilled worker). Khorazmiy knew well what mardikor is. And the one who pays, will not spare Ulugbek for the fact that he is still small. 
Due to the fact that Ulugbek did a heavy and dirty work, Khorazmiy could not sleep at night, and when he fell asleep, he dreamed how difficult it was for his youngest son. During difficult times he often thought about the reason for all this and about the humiliations that took place in life.
Khorazmiy came to a conclusion that all the troubles of his book "Vakil" (Comissioner), which he wrote in the interests of his people and the Motherland, and which was about the struggle for improving the biosphere and the fertility of the soil and the vinyl itself. But, the idea that the difficulties of children are directed in favour of their homeland and their people, reassured him.
Khorazmiy borrowed $ 65 and sent it to the children. After that, he received via the Internet from them the following (photo-6) e-mail. Below it is given without change:

                                                            Hello, Daddy
We received 65 dollars, which they sent through Oibek brother and were very happy. Part of this money we gave for debt, which was taken for medicines, when they were ill. The rest was bought with flour and some sugar.
Brother and I (Ulugbek) often work as mardikor in homes with other people. Sometimes we have to do very hard and dirty work. When there was not enough strength, they told me: "You got the money, let's work!" and beat. When they hit, I get sick. Forced to work all day continuously, but give me scanty money. But, the owners sometimes, they are fed with meat dishes, which is quite rare. 
Daddy, I'm Nasiba. Our school is closed, all went to pick cotton. I was not taken to pick cotton, because I had congenital heart disease and a hernia.
To earn some money, together with my mother we go to mardikor - we collect cotton farmers. Farmers do not feed at all, we eat our bread, dipping it into the water.
Despite the fact that the authorities promised to pay 100 soums for a kilogram of cotton, farmers pay 50-60 soums and say:
-If you are not happy with this payment, or tell someone that we give little money, then leave and run away.

Photo-6.6. Letters received from children on the Internet on 23.10.2008

And yet, about half of the collected cotton is taken as a pledge: "For moisture", "For blockage," moreover, we are underpaid, saying - "For expenses of representatives (Vakils) sent from the khokimiyat." 
When I wore a full bag of cotton to the scales, my hernia became aggravated, and fell ill for several days. An old and sick mother went alone to pick cotton.
When my mother carried a heavy bag with the cotton gathered to the scales, she fell and broke her leg. Her leg is now in a cast, lying at home. Therefore, although my hernia still hurts, I myself go to pick cotton.
Mom's pensions are not enough to pay for gas and light. Therefore, it was not possible to pay for it in time, too, often turning off light and gas. And we stay in the dark and can not cook. A letter came where it was written: "If you do not immediately pay the land tax, we will confiscate your property."
Mom gathered all of us today and firmly said:
-Your dad is old and disabled, but in spite of this he has to work in other countries as a mardikor to send us money. Therefore, you need to carefully use this money and save. It is not necessary to eat food with rice and meat.
But, often she cries bitterly and tries to hide it from us, asks God that she would keep you.
Daddy, send us less money, but take care of yourself. We miss you very much. Many years have passed since you left and we did not see each other.
Please do not tell our mother or brother about our letters, they will scold us. Because the brother and mother always think of you, and they tell us:
- Do not talk about illness and difficulties to the Dad, he will worry.
Missing you Ulugbek and Nasiba
October 2008 Khorezm

Reading these letters, Khorazmiy could not come to his senses for several days, tears began to flow from his eyes, his heart filled with blood. With Khorazmiy, it is clear, but what about the fault of children who are the future of Uzbekistan? 
Young Uzbeks, experiencing all sorts of difficulties and humiliations, when they grow up, what will they say about the president of Uzbekistan and about his policy, which is now praised immensely?

Photo-6.6B. I.Karimov is despising ...

Karimov and кarimovs really despise the people of Uzbekistan to such a degree. As Jahongir Muhammad wrote in the book "IAK" where  I.Karimov said (photo-6B): "Mom ... of such people as they (Uzbeks)!" apparently Is not in vain, - such thoughts did not give rest to Khorazmiy.
Children of Khorazmiy, like all the people of Uzbekistan, waiting for Karimov's promise of a "Great Future!" also met in 2009, too. Many months passed, spring came, Navruz was approaching, but there were no signs of a great future that Karimov promised.
This idea is not difficult to notice from the written letter of the middle daughter of Nodira, on the Internet, (photo-7), which is given below:

                                                    Hello, Daddy!
I am Nodira. Sister Nigora fell ill and so I came to Urgench and by her e-mail I am writing you this letter.
Since last year, Oybek has unpleasant problems. So that you do not worry, we did not tell you about it. At the end of last year, Oybek was put on trumped-up charges, and a week later (when they received a bribe) he was released. 
After that, Oybek went to Tashkent to work. Recently, we learned from acquaintances that in early March, Oybek was again detained in Tashkent.

Photo-6.7. Letters received on the Internet from the average daughter of Nodira

This time, they wanted to charge him with heavy articles and sue him for a long time. You know that all these problems are due to your activities.
After last year I left the prison, I went to Russia to work. And this year I will not be able to go there, because after my prison my vision deteriorated.
Oybek sometimes earned some money, and now he is in prison. I'm also not able to work somewhere. There is no other person in the family who could engage in mardikor. In the material sense, we are now in a very difficult situation. Please, even if you borrow, send us some money.
Wishing you good health, Nodira Hasanova.

In the words of Nodira, where she wrote: "You know that all these problems are due to your activities", there is truth. But, Khorazmiy did not pretend to the throne of President Karimov as oppositionists. He did not join human rights activists or politicians and did not criticize the Karimov regime.
Let it be repeated, but we note that the reproaches of Khorazmiy's children, relatives and friends for his "activities" are his belief - the pilgrimage, the satirical book "Vakil" and the struggle for the cleanliness of the ecology of the biosphere of the Motherland.
Speaking truthfully, his "activities", for which his children, relatives and friends suffer torment and are blamed for this by Khorazmiy, actually consists of "justice", the interests of the Motherland and his people. These interests are higher than the interests of himself, his children, relatives and friends, so Khorazmiy was not going to give up his struggle (activity). He wants to understand this correctly, but if they do not understand what to do ...
If you pay attention to the letter Nodira, on the street where her children live, there are almost no houses from which someone was not arrested.
In some families, almost half of the family members were sentenced to different terms. Even many people who served 3-4 times in prison. According to this indicator, Karimov's repression is several times higher than the repression of Stalin's time.
So, the presenter of the TV program "Field of Miracles", the mustachioed Yakubovich from the Uzbek in a skull-cap, who presented him with a complete set of expensive Uzbek clothes (photo-7B), asked:
- Where are you from?
Then that Uzbek was sure that "Who took the bribe, he becomes a debtor" and, recalling the words of E.Vakhidov "On the head of a skullcap, I walk arrogantly!" - he put the skull-cap even higher and proudly said:
-I'm from Uzbekistan, which has a great future,- said Karimov’s uzbek.
Then the presenter: 
- If you are a true Uzbek, then tell me, how many times did you go to prison? - asked him.
All participants of the "Field of Miracles" laughed. The Uzbek, who stood proudly with his skullcap on his head, got into an awkward position and said: 
-I never got to jail.
Then leading him:

Photo-6.7B. Leonid Yakubovich in the "Field of Miracles"

  - If you did not sit, then you are not Uzbekstan’s (Uzbek), maybe you are a Tajik-pajik, - said, pointing to his skullcap.
This excerpt from one TV show with details, has been distributed to the whole SNG (USSR). Poor Uzbeks no longer dressed their skullcaps outside of Uzbekistan.
Let's return to the previously stated topic, after the arrest of Oybek in Tashkent, the financial situation of the family deteriorated, then the young Ulugbek began to work at the market as a loader (photo-8).
He first earned very little, and spent money in the bazaar on his own samsa or biscuits. Then he began to go to the market at dawn and bring home some amount of money, which was barely enough for bread.
For over two years Khorazmiy tried to invite Nasib and Ulugbek to his place (to England), during this time he had to endure many humiliations, difficulties and overcome a number of bureaucratic obstacles. 
Due to the fact that the embassy in the UK in Tashkent was engaged in fraud, children were denied a visa. Later, in order to get a visa for children without a bribe, Khorazmiy was forced to apply to the Manchester Court, and won the case.
Finally, the children of Khorazmiy arrived in Britain. Joy of poor Khorazmiy this event was boundless.

The photo - 6.8. Ulugbek is working as a loader in the bazaar -2009

The first thing for him was to take Nasiba away to the hospital. The doctors carefully examined her and she was given the first (high) group of disability and began to prepare her for heart surgery. Ulugbek he gave to school. Nasiba arranged for a college to study the language.
                                                             *    *
In 2002-2005, when Khorazmiy and his family lived near the Khadra in Tashkent, in the mahalla "Almazar" (photo-9). Khorazmiy worked as a professor at TashGAU and at half the rate in the agricultural college at the university.
But, the received salary was not enough for a family both in Khorezm and in Tashkent. Therefore, he was forced to work one or two days a week as a mardikor. Then only once (sometimes twice) a week they ate meat dishes. And the children wore old worn clothes of neighbour Nigmat Shabdiev, who was mentally ill. In such conditions, they lived with difficulty.
After Khorazmiy stayed in England, their situation (his children) worsened even more. The wife of Khorazmiy - Guliston was his student (and graduate student) and worked as a teacher of the first category in chemistry and biology.
To keep the children, she had 3-4-year-old children, leave the house unattended, and leave her one-year-old child at Dilbar, the wife of a mentally unhealthy neighbour, and work hard (1.5-2 rates).
All the same they were at a loss, because the main part of the salary went for the fare and for paying for utilities. For the money that sent Khorazmiy from England and with the help of her retired father, they somehow lived, but, she tried to make the children feel good.
In May 2006, due to the fault of the bus driver, Guliston was in an accident. The palm of the right hand was severely damaged, and at the elbow there was a fracture in two places.

Photo-6.9. Near the house in Tashkent. 2004

She lay in the hospital, and all the young children were left unattended. And when relatives learned about this, they took the children to their homes.
At this time, despite the fact that Khorazmiy's financial situation was deplorable, he borrowed money at a high interest and sent it to them.
This money went to the treatment of his wife, and there was nothing for the children to feed. Therefore, not having received a full course of treatment, she was forced to continue her work. As a result, her right arm was not completely cured, and she became disabled.
After a while, Khorazmiy sent money back to cure already sick children. His wife Guliston, by e-mail, wrote him a letter, which is unchanged below:

                                             Hello, father of our children!
We received recently sent money, thank you. For this money I bought drugs to treat my daughters, and bought bread and sugar. Children did not have enough for shoes, and all their shoes were torn. 
My brothers went to Russia to work. My mother is dead, but my father is 80 years old, he is very old. And now there is no one who could help us. We are experiencing very great difficulties.
Due to the fact that I am your wife (politician’s wife), I do not take on a good job. I recently had a doctor to treat my throat, and he refused to treat me.

Photo-6.10.The letter of Guliston, received on 24.10.2010 on the Internet

At school girls were humiliated at meetings, saying: "You are a daughter of a traitor politician, do not come to school." Therefore, girls cry every day, they say they do not want to go to school.
In addition, girls are very homesick for you. I tell them that "Soon we will go to the Dad," but my words do not reassure them. Please, quickly call us to your place in England.
Missing you Gulistan and your daughters

First, Khorazmiy was never a politician. Moreover, it is not forbidden to engage in politics under the Constitution of Uzbekistan. The ideology of the Karimov regime led the people to the point that when a "politician" is spoken (except for Karimov, of course), the absolute majority accepts this as traitors to the country and the enemy of the people.
A week later a letter came from Tashkent (photo-11). Quite frankly, Khorazmiy could not stop crying when he read a letter written by his daughter's hand. From their letters one could smell their little hands. This letter is given below:

                                       Greetings from Tashkent
Hello, father of our children, how is your health?
We were in a very difficult situation. As you know, I have been sick for a long time, there is no opportunity for good treatment. My health is deteriorating every day. 
At your request, we took a picture. Although there was no desire to smile, we smiled so that you would not be offended. If you saw our photo, I lost a lot of weight.
Due to inadequate nutrition, Nafosat has little blood, weak immunity, so it is sick. In Nazokat, epilepsy.

Photo-6.11. Letter received by mail

The girls miss you very much, every day they cry and ask: "When will we go to the Dad?". Please speed up the question of our invitation to you.
With greetings
Guliston Khorezmiy 
Hello, Daddy, it's me, Nafisa. When will we go to you? And we do not have new clothes for this. Missing you, your eldest daughter, Nafisa.
Daddy, hello. I'm your daughter, Nafosat. We eat food that has no meat, so I'm sick. In order to go to school, I do not even have a folder. If you send more money, I would buy a folder. Nafosat.
Daddy, I'm Nazokat. I'm crying because I miss you. I have no books, and my pen is lost. To buy toys there is no money. Bye. Your youngest daughter, Nazokat

Khorazmiy began to try hard to bring the children from Tashkent. All his efforts, which he did through state (free) lawyers, were useless. Then he was forced to hire a private lawyer (Majid Iqbal) for a lot of money.
Sometimes Khorazmiy was forced to pay a lawyer several hundred pounds for a short meeting. So much money he did not have, so he borrowed from a friend - Martin.
They could hardly enter the British Embassy in Tashkent. Special people who walk around the embassy, explained to them that to obtain a visa as soon as possible, you need to pay for "expenses" (bribes). They believed that their documents were in order, therefore they entered the embassy to obtain a visa, in the place of this they received an unreasonable refusal. 
After that, Khorazmiy in the UK wrote complaints about bribery in the British Embassy in Tashkent addressed to MP Ann Koffey and Ambassador Rupert Joy. With their help, they next entered and received a visa without a bribe.

Photo-6.12. At Heathrow Airport, meeting children. 3.6.2011

Children of Khorazmiy from Tashkent flew to England on June 03, 2011 (photo-12). Despite the fact that there were many organizational and financial problems for their arrival, Khorazmiy was happy to see his daughters.

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