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Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy is - 70 years old

Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy is - 70 years old

The lines of individual quatrains and poems dedicated to                  Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy

                                                *     *  
Have enherited your legacy from the great Ogizkhan,
From Al-Khorazmiy, the thinker Makhdumkuly,
Secrets of science from the theologians and scientists,
You have encycleopedic knowledge theacher Khorazmiy. 
                                          *     *  
You have toiled tirelessly since thirteen years old,
Placing your trust in no one but God.
Your works achieved fame, but you remained modest,
All your wealth is knowledge and faith Khorazmiy
                                            *     *  
On subjects of fields Khorazmiy always talks objectively,
The circle and meeting will get much charm with him.
Even he lives poor in separation,
He distributes the light like the star from far.
                                            *     *  
Teacher, holy 70 years old, let them be blessed!
Maybe emigration is also a legacy to you, from your grandfather
You, too, will return to your  homeland (Khorezm) without doubt,
After all, return is also inherent in victorious people.

                                     From the Authors
 The 20th of March, 2018 marked the passing of 70 glorious years for the famous scientist and writer, doctor of agricultural sciences and laureate of the Al-Khorezmi Prize and the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, professor Akhmad-hoji Khasanovich Khorazmiy.


Professor Khorazmiy has carried out his activities in various countries around the world and has written more than 200 articles, over 30 books and treatises in different languages. His works concern topics such as the problems of agro chemistry, soil science, ecology, farming, religion, mysticism, history, politics, sports, literature and education. Selected Works filling more than 16 volumes have been published in many languages (photo-2).

Photo-2. Selected Works

In the Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan media he has been recognized as The Pride of Khorezm (photo-3).
His activities on conception and actions concerning restricting the use of agrochemicals in order to improve the ecology of the biosphere and human health, as well as improving soil fertility and the recovery of Khorezm brought him further popularity.

Photo-3. From the central newspapers

His life and work are worthy of being an example for future generations and have a place in history. For this reason, this book has been compiled, prepared from materials of famous scientists and creators in different languages and countries.

- Diplomat and writer, laureate of the International Prize of Makhdumkuli,                                   Annakuli Nurmammadov (Oxford, Great Britain)
-Academician MANEB, Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Technology Teaching"                                 Professor
Palvan Kalandarov (Uzbekistan, Tashkent) 


                                 Brief autobiography of A. Khorazmiy                                                        and some related documents to him (15,16)                                              
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy was born on 20th of March 1948, in “Turkmanlik” community, in Khujalik village, Bagat district, Khorezm region, the republic of Uzbekistan.  
Father – Khasan Abaev (Khasanmirod son of Abamirot 1891-1988) was a peasant and belongs to the Magtimkuly-Firagi descendant. He is a father of 10 children (picture - 4) and lovely grandfather of many grandchildren.

Mother – Tozagul Abdikarimova (1922-1993) was a housewife and belongs to the lineage of Muhammad Al-Khorazmiy.
Akhmad Hoji Khorazmiy has lived and worked in Asia (Uzbekistan), Africa (Mozambique) and Europe (Great Britain).
1951-1953 - years under the supervision of Abdullah kari studied the religion of Islam (Holy Quran).
He went to "Hamza” primary school  in 1955 and completed secondary (high) school "Yangi qadam” in 1966.
He officially started working at the age of 13 (1961-1967) as an unskilled worker on the State collective farm (Kolkhoz).
1967-1972 – Student at Biology and Soil Sciences Department of the Tashkent State University (present National University of Uzbekistan). And in 1972 A. Khorazmiy graduated with a qualification in "Agrochemistry and soil science.”
1972-1984 – Worked as a scientist researcher, as a Chairman of the Young Scientists Society and as a member of the Scientific Council in Botanical Institute of the State Academy of Sciences in Uzbekistan (picture - 4B).  

Photo - 4B. Members of the Academic Council of the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan

 1979 - Under the leadership of the academic Sergey Rijov, he defended his candidate (Ph.D.) thesis by specialty – "Agrochemistry” on the topic of: "The effect of the fertilization on the productivity of the pasture (phytocoenosis) of the semi-desert zone of Uzbekistan.”
1978-1980 – Student at Tashkent Marxism-Leninism University and received a higher political education.
1980-1981 – As a senior lecturer (in combination with other jobs) delivered  lectures on the subject of "Fodder production” at the Institute of agriculture in Tashkent. 
 1981-1984 Had a scientific trip to Africa, and took part in organizing the Scientific Cotton Research Centre of Mozambique. As an engineer-agrochemist, he headed the department of Agrochemistry and fertilization at the Centre.
                                        1985-2002 - In Khorezm, his activities were as follows:
1985-1986 – Chief of the department responsible for drawing up agrochemical maps at the regional Agrochemistry laboratory (exploratory station).
1986-1988 – Head of the agricultural department of the Communist party (Hokimiyat) in the Bagat district.
1988-1991 – Principal of the State farm "Bagat”, which is one of the largest farms in Uzbekistan.
1991 – Chairman of the Committee of Trade Unions for the Bagat district.
1991-1992 – Associate professor, deputy dean of the Khorezm Pedagogical Institute.
 1992-1993 – Authority staff (supervisor of agriculture) at the Government of Khorezm region.
 1993 – He defended his doctoral thesis by specialty 01.06.04. – "Agrochemistry” on the topic of: "The scientific foundations of the fertilization of natural fodder grass (phytocenosis) in different soil and climate conditions”
1993 – He changed his name from the Russian form - Akhmed Abaevich Khasanov to the Turkish form - Akhmad-hoji Khasanovich Khorazmiy.
1993-1995 – Chairman of the Bagat inter-district union "Uzagroculturalchemistry”.
1996-1997 – Director of the Khorezm branch of the Scientific Cotton Researches Institute of Uzbekistan.
1997 - April-May – A.Khorazmiy made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina and was honoured with the honorific Islamic title of "Hoji”.
1993-1998 – Professor (in combination with other jobs) at State University of Urganch (picture - 4B).

Photo - 4B. Prof. Khorazmiy in UrDU (Khorezm, 1993-98)

1994-2002 – Principal of the regional Science and Technology Centre.
A.Khorazmiy was a member (MP) of the district and regional Parliaments for a number of years.
2002-2004 – Professor in the department of "Agrochemistry and Soil Science” at the Tashkent State Agrarian University.
2003-2004 – Professor (in combination with other jobs) at the Agricultural College at the State Agrarian University of Tashkent.
2005 – Chief methodologist and dean of the Agricultural Faculty of the Tashkent Agro-business College.
2006-2008 – Student of ESOL course at Stockport College in UK.
2008-2009 – Student of ICT course at the IT Centre of Stockport.
2009-2012 – Student at the Stopford Open Learning Centre.
2006-2012 – Worked as a volunteer in a primary schools, by invitations of a number of British universities, conducted lectures on the topics of: "Interpretation, expression and technology of the teaching of Agrochemistry”, "Ecological problems associated with agrochemicals”. 

Photo - 5

A.Khorazmiy worked simultaneously in 2-3 posts (principal of the regional Science and Technology Centre, professor at the University, director of the regional institute of cotton) for many years.
A number of masters, candidate (Ph.D) and doctoral dissertations were written under the guidance of Professor Khorazmiy. 
Subjects that he has written on: science, education, religion, literature and others, including about 30 books, and 200 articles. He is the author of a number of inventions and discoveries.
A.Khorazmiy knows more than 10 languages, such as: Turkmen, Portuguese, Russian, English, Uzbek, Tatar and others. He wrote books and treatises in Russian, Portuguese, Uzbek, English languages and in different directions. 
His research and work in the field of agrochemicals of phytocoenosis was awarded the prize of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan and Professor A.Khorazmiy founded a new direction (agrochemistry of phytocoenosis) in science of Uzbekistan.
His research at the Scientific Cotton Research Centre of Mozambique and the book: "Problems in the development of cotton production in Mozambique” were awarded a government prize in Mozambique.
The researches of A.Khorazmiy in the field of ecological problems of agrochemicals and educational aid: "The scientific foundations for increasing the productivity of fertilizers” was awarded the Al-Khorazmiy prize.
The monograph by A.Khorazmiy: "Scientific foundations of the fertilizing of fodder plants in different soil and climatic conditions of the World”, published by the "Fan” publishing house in 1996 of 42,7 printed sheets, has been submitted to International prize Al-Khorazmiy of Turkmenistan.
A.Khorazmiy has nine children (picture) and a number of grand and great-grandchildren. 

His hobbies are – Sport, farming, and art. He is not interested in leisure. He gets pleasure from work, creativity and prayer.
He likes hard working, creative and modest people. He doesn’t like lazy, overly talkative or arrogant people.  He doesn’t like alcoholics or drug addicts.
A. Khorazmiy by his nature is kind, fair, modest, truthful, brave and honest (15,16).
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy has been blessed by great people like: well-known theologian Abdulla kari, the legendary chairman Iskandar Dosov, outstanding wrestlers-athletes: Tulanboy wrestler, Sapo wrestler, great singer Komiljon Otaniyozov, great scientist  academic Sergey Rijov, famous writer, public figure and State man Chingiz Turkiy (Aytmatov),   general-director of the World Intellectual Property Organization by the UN Arpad Bogsh. 
The life and activity of Khorazmiy are translated into different languages and are lighten up in the media of different Countries and in his memoir: "The life dedicated  for science”.
                Some supporting documents for  CV of professor A.Khorazmiy


                                              Childhood and Education
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy is connected through his father's ancestors to the great Turkmen poet and thinker Makhdumkuly-Phyragy, and through the mother's ancestors - the great scientist-encyclopedist Muhammad al-Khorazmiy (3,8).
He studied Islam (The Holy Quran) in 1951-1953 under the leadership of Abdullah kari, and at the age of five, he had learnt by heart more than half of Quran. When he was four years old, he taught women in village, according to the verses of the Quran and the pillars of prayer (3,12).

                                                                  Photo - 8. A. Khoraizmiy - a high school student. 1965

 He graduated from Central Asian State University (now the Uzbek National University), majoring in Agrochemistry and Soil Science, which, in terms of prestige, took the third place after Moscow State University and Leningrad State University in the former USSR. In 1978-1980 A. Khorazmiy studied at the Tashkent University of Marxism-Leninism, and received a higher political education (2, 7).
Work experience A.Khorazmiy started at the age of thirteen as a collective farmer. A.Khorazmiy in 1972-2005 worked as a scientific researcher, professor at various universities, director of a large state farm, chairman of inter-district association "Uzselkhozkimiya", director of the Khorezm regional center of science and technology, the responsible worker of the Khorezm regional administration (Hokimiyat), the director of the branch of the Uzbek Institute of Cotton Growing (Union NIHI) (4,6,8).
His scientific and pedagogical activity began at the age of 4 years old, when he taught Islam and the rules of prayers to rural women. In his memoirs "Life dedicated to science", (2001) he recalls:

Due to the fact that after the World War II there were few literate religious people left in the village, and the remaining could not reveal their religious knowledge because of the policy of atheists, therefore, on instructions from the teacher Abdullah-kari, I began to teach Islam to 10-15 women in the village and the procedures for performing fivefold prayers on the Suras (Chapters) of the Holy Quran, every day or every other day.
 My salary was much more as a teacher than the money earned by my Father, who worked from dawn to darkness in the field. Maybe that's why my father said: "My son began to feed the family from three years old" (the end of the quote) (3,12, З).

Professor A. Khorazmiy wrote a number of methodological and teaching aids. His tutorial, intended for bachelors "Scientific foundations, improving the effectiveness of fertilizers" was awarded the al-Khorazmiy Prize.

Photo - 9

His textbook "Soil Properties and the Basics of the Application of Fertilizers", which was published in Tashkent in 2004 and as the 10th volume of "Selected Works", published in London (photo-9) in 2015 is the first textbook in Uzbekistan intended for masters in the specialty "Soil Science and Agrochemistry" (6, 11, B, K).


                                                              In science
A.Khorazmiy deeply studied the natural phytocenoses and virgin soils, from desert to the high-mountainous zones of Mozambique (Africa) and Uzbekistan and founded a new direction - "Agrochemistry of phytocenoses" in the science of Uzbekistan and Mozambique. And these works were awarded with a prize by Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan.
His studies and a monograph (picture-10) on the development of cotton growing in Mozambique (Africa) were awarded the honorary letter of the Government of Mozambique.

Photo - 10

 And his tutorial of fundamental research, devoted to the ecological problems of agrochemicals, was awarded the al-Khorazmiy Prize (2, 7, 8, B, C).

Discovery (is discovered by scientists) exists in nature and in society, and it is discovered (revealed) by scientists.
In the process of long years of research in different soil and climatic conditions of the world, he managed to make some discoveries. Below are some of them:

                                                          About the discovery                                                               "On the dependence of plant development on a combination of climatic factors"
The peculiarities of the development of natural plants (phytocenoses), which are food for livestock, depend on climatic factors. 
Before Khorazmiy, all scientists and specialists believed that the development and yield of natural forage plants are related to the amount of precipitation (mainly spring period) in their growing season.
Therefore, in the years of rainy spring, considering the yield of natural plants, fodder plants for livestock raising are rarely sown in irrigated zones.
As a result of the shortage of feed for livestock, the level of livestock production has significantly decreased, and problems have emerged in providing the population with meat, milk and dairy products. This situation continued until the scientist made this discovery.
 As shown by studies conducted with natural plants (phytocenoses), for many years in different soil and climatic conditions, the yield of plants depends not on the amount of precipitation or air temperature of the growing season, but depends on a combination of climatic factors (photo-11). 

Photo - 11. Discovery diagram

 And so, it turned out that for fodder harvesting it is necessary to take optimal combinations of climatic factors, rather than the amount of precipitation or the temperature of the growing season of plants (phytocenoses).  
On the basis of the above discovery, Khorazmy developed optimal terms and technologies for plant nutrition (phytocenoses), from the desert to the highlands, in different soil and climatic conditions of the world.
On the opening of "Changes in the botanical composition of the natural grass stand (phytocoenoses) under the influence of climatic conditions"
In natural conditions, numerous plants belonging to different families grow in one place. Many of them have an appointment as animal feed, and some medicinal plants and some low-value, even harmful plants that are subject to destruction.
According to zoo technical standards, natural plants (phytocenoses), considered to be animal food, are divided into the following 3 groups:
1 - Legumes - plants belonging to a family of legumes and having high fodder qualities.
2 - Cereals - belonging to cereal families and forage value occupying an intermediate position.
3 - Different grasses - except for the foregoing, are of little value in the fodder relation and belong to different families.
 In natural phytocenoses, the correlation between these 3 groups varies depending on the soil-climatic conditions. Being aware of the laws of this change is important in the rational use of natural phytocenoses as fodder for animals. 
In the following diagram (photo-12), the law of dependence on the botanical composition of the herbage on the combination of climatic factors is discovered:

Photo - 12. Discovery diagram

 In years with favorable weather conditions for the development of plants, the ratio of legumes and cereals in the herbage increases, which has a high fodder value, and the ratio of low-value grasses decreases.
And in years with unfavorable weather conditions for the development of plants, on the contrary, low-value plant groups develop in the herbage, and groups of plants having a high fodder value are reduced.
Using the above-mentioned law, regardless of what the climatic conditions of the year are, the method of supporting or directing the development of plants using fertilizers that are of fodder value was also invented by Professor A.Khorazmiy.

The word invention is borrowed from the Arabic language and means: to think, invent, create. The invention is a new technical solution recognized by the state and protected by the relevant law. Not every innovation (proposal, discovery, method, and rule) is considered as an invention.
In order to be an invention, it must be of theoretical and practical importance and should be used several times. The price of an invention is measured by the amount of its use in production.
It was not possible to create inventions to all the large scientists who defended their theses, wrote thick books, and made a number of discoveries.

                                 Below are the main inventions made by A. Khorazmiy:
The invention, called "Seeder-fertilizer", which has a new technical solution, is used in cotton growing, where fertilizer is applied simultaneously with sowing.
 According to the invention "Timing and methods of fertilizing cotton" the norms of fertilizers applied simultaneously with sowing and top dressing during budding are increased by 1.5 - 2 times, and with this the top dressing of cotton in the second and third phases of the formation of the present leaf and flowering is reduced. 
Change of the fertilizer application side, that is, if the fertilizer is introduced simultaneously with sowing on the left side, then in the following top dressing it should be added to the right side. The next top dressing should be added again on the left side.
 When applying fertilizers with this combination, the previously applied fertilizer will not be opened by the opener in the second and third fertilizing. As a result, the productivity of the introduced fertilizers is increased by 20-30%, cotton ripens 7-9 days earlier, the yield rises on average by 400-600 kilograms per one hectare.
Based on this invention, Professor A.Khorazmiy developed "Recommendations on the timing and ways of fertilizing cotton" (photo-13) and they were distributed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Uzbekistan for use in cotton growing.

Photo - 13

The invention "Seeder-manure sprayer" is devoted to solutions of soil crust problems in cotton growing.
The invention of "Cotton seed after wheat by a pottery method". According to this invention, after planting wheat, cotton bushes are planted and 2 crops are produced per year.
Invention "Determination of the yield increment for each kilogram of fertilizers contributed (recoupment)". With the aid of the present invention, the effectiveness of each type of fertilizer is determined.
This method is included in many teaching aids and is studied as an important topic "The Khorazmiy method" in the relevant educational universities. In August 1995, the newspaper Khorazm hakikati (Truth of Khorezm) disseminated information that this method is widely used by production specialists.
The invention "The method of soil fertilization for cotton" (photo-14) is devoted to increasing the yield of plants and improving the ecology of the soil. 
Instead of chemical fertilizers (which are 20-30% of nitrogen fertilizers and 50-60% of phosphorus fertilizers of the annual norm) in the spring, before the chisel, under cotton (and the other similar crops), apply 20-30 tons of manure. This manure contains 60-90 kg of nitrogen, 100-120 kg of phosphorus and 50-60 kg of potassium, and they are equal in content to the nutrient elements of mineral fertilizers, which are applied before sowing.

Photo - 14

The rest of the mineral fertilizers are entered to the crops during fertilization period in accordance with the current recommendations. When fertilizing by the present invention, together with the fact that the soil ecology is improving, the net profit per hectare is 2.5 - 6 thousand Uzbek sums (at the price of 1998), depending on the type of soil.
Professor A.Khorazmiy on the basis of his research gave a number of recommendations and they are used in production. Based on local conditions, he classified the soils of the Khorezm oasis, and it was accepted with joy by Khorezm farmers and scientists. Therefore A. Khorezmi in the press was recognized as "Khorezm’s Dokuchaev" (2).
There is one worth thing that could be recorded in the Guinness Book of Records is that among the scholars of Uzbekistan (and the Soviet Union) there was not even one scientist except the professor Khorazmiy, who during 10 years, despite the existence of bureaucratic barriers, has written doctoral theses in three different none similar to each other themes (3,4,з).


Категория: "Муаллиф (Хоразмий) ҳақида" | Добавил: Horazmiy (2018-03-24)
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