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Khorazmiy Akhmad-hoji Khasanovich CV

Khorazmiy  Akhmad-hoji  Khasanovich

(Curriculum vitae (CV) with supporting documents)

Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy was born on 20th March 1948, in the "Turkmanlik” community, in the village of Khujalik, Bagat district, Khorezm region, the republic of Uzbekistan (Photo-1).

Father – Khasan Abaev (1891-1988) was a peasant and belongs to the Magtimkuly (Firagi) family.

Mother – Tozagul Abdikarimova (1922-1993) was a housewife and belongs to the linage of Muhammad Al-Khorazmiy.

Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy has lived and worked in Asia (Uzbekistan), Africa (Mozambique) and Europe (Great Britain).

He went to the primary school "Hamza” in 1955 and completed the secondary (high) school "Yangi qadam” in 1966. He started working at the age of 13 (1961-1967) as an unskilled worker at the kolkhoz (collective farm) which belongs to the State.

1967-1972 – Studied at the department of Biology-soil science of Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan). In 1972 A.Khorazmiy graduated in "Agrochemistry and soil science”(Photo-4).

1972-1984 – Worked as a scientific researcher, as the Chairman of the Society for Young Scientists and as a member of the Scientific Council in the Academic Botanical Institute. 

 1979 - Under the leadership of the academic Sergey Rijov, he defended his candidate thesis  by speciality 01.06.04. – "Agrochemistery”  on the topic of: "The effect of the fertilization on the productivity of the pasture (phytocenosis)  of the semi-desert zone of Uzbekistan”.

1978-1980 – Student at the Tashkent Marxism-Leninism University and awarded a higher political degree.

1980-1981 – As a senior lecturer (in combination with other jobs) delivered a lecture on the subject of "Fodder production” at the Institute of Agriculture in Tashkent. 

 1981-1984 Went to Africa on a scientific trip, and took part in organising the Scientific Cotton Research Centre of Mozambique. As an engineer-agrochemist he headed the department of Agro-chemistry and fertilization at the Centre.

 1985-2002 - Lived and worked in Khorezm:

1985-1986 – Chief of the department responsible for drawing up agrochemical maps at the regional Agro-Chemistry laboratory (exploratory station).

1986-1988 – Head of the agricultural department of the Communist party (Hokimiyat) in the Bagat district.

1989-1991 – Principal of the State farm "Bagat”, which is one of the largest farms in Uzbekistan.

1991 – Chairman (for half a year) of the Committee of Trade Unions for the Bagat district.

1991-1992 – Dotsent, deputy dean of the Khorezm Pedagogical Institute.

 1992-1993 – Authority staff (supervisor of agriculture) at the Government of Khorezm region.

 1993 – He defended his doctoral thesis by speciality 01.06.04. – "Agrochemistery”  on the topic of: "The scientific foundations of the fertilization of natural fodder grass (phytocenosis) in different soil and climate conditions”

1993 – He changed his name from the Russian form - Akhmed Abaevich Khasanov to the Turkish form - Akhmad-hoji Khasanovich Khorazmiy (Photo-2).

1993-1995 – Chairman of the Bagat inter-district union "Uzagroculturalchemistry”.

1996-1997 – Director of the Khorezm branch of the Institute for scientific research into cotton of Uzbekistan.

1997 - April-May – A.Khorazmiy made the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina and was  honoured with the honorific Islamic title of "Hoji”.

1993-1998 – Professor (in combination with other jobs) at State University of Urganch.

1994-2002 – Principal of the regional Centre for Science and Technology.

A.Khorazmiy was a deputy in the district and regional Parliaments for a number of years.

2002-2004 – Professor in the department of "Agro-Chemstry and Soil Science” at the State Agrarian University of Tashkent.

2003-2004 – Professor (in combination with other jobs) at the Agricultural College at the State Agrarian University of Tashkent.

2005 – Chief methodologist and dean of the agricultural faculty of the Agro-business College of Tashkent.

2006-2008 – Student on an ESOL course at Stockport College in UK (Photo-13, 15).

2008-2009 – Student on an ICT course at the IT Centre of Stockport  (Photo-14).

2009-2012 – Student at the Stopford Opening Learning Centre (Photo-16).

2006-2012 – As a volunteer: a teacher in schools; by invitation of a number of British universities delivered lectures on the topics of: "Interpretation, expression and technology in the teaching of Agro-Chemistry”, "Ecological problems associated with agrochemicals” (Photo-A).

A.Khorazmiy worked simultaneously in 2-3 posts (principal of the regional Centre for science and Technology, professor at the University, director of the regional institute for cotton) for many years.

A number of master, candidate and doctorial dissertations were written under the leadership of Prof Khorazmiy.

Subjects that he has written on: science, education, religion, literature and others, including about 30 books (Photo-18) and 200 articles. He is responsible for a number of inventions and discoveries (Photo-17).

A.Khorazmiy knows more than 10 languages, such as: Turkmen, Portuguese, Russian, English, Uzbek, Tatar and others.

His research and work in the field of agro-chemical phytocenosis was awarded the prize of the Science Academy of Uzbekistan and Professor A.Khorazmiy founded a new direction (agro-chemistry of phytocenosis) in science in Uzbekistan (Photo-5).

His research at the Scientific Cotton Research Centre of Mozambique and the book: "Problems in the development of cotton production in Mozambique” was awarded a government prize in Mozambique

The researches of A.Khorazmiy in the field of ecological problems of agrochemicals  and educational aid: "The scientific foundations for increasing the productivity of fertilizers” was awarded the Al-Khorazmiy prize (Photo-10).

The monograph by A.Khorazmiy: "Scientific foundations of the fertilising of fodder plants in different soil and climatic conditions of the World”, published by the "Fan” publishing house in 1996 as a volume of 42,7 printed sheets, has been submitted to International prize Al-Khorazmiy of Turkmenistan.

A. Khorazmiy is married and has 8 children and a number of grand and great-grand children.

His hobbies are – Sport, farming, and art. He is not interested in leisure. He gets pleasure from work, creativity and prayer.

He likes hard working, creative and modest people. He doesn’t like lazy, overly talkative or arrogant people.  He doesn’t like alcoholics or drug addicts.

A.Khorazmiy by his nature is kind, fair, modest, truthful, brave and honest.

Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy has been blessed by great people like: well-known theologian Abdulla kari, great singer Komiljon Otaniyozov, outstanding  scientist   academic Sergey Rijov, famous writer, public figure and State man Chingiz Turkiy (Aytmatov),   general-director of the World Organization for Intellectual Property at the UN Arpad Bogsh (Photo-B).

The life and activity of Khorazmiy wide lighted up in different languages and the press of different Countries and in his memory: "The life dedicated  for science”

At present professor A.Khorazmiy is living with his family in Stockport Great Britain and he is working on his novel: "The fate of a scientist”. Also A.Khorazmiy is tirelessly working on the publication of his multi-volume "Selected Essays” which is based on his previously published and completed works in various fields.

Some supporting documents for CV of professor A.Khorazmiy:

Категория: "Муаллиф (Хоразмий) ҳақида" | Добавил: Horazmiy (2012-10-01)
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