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Professor Khorazmiy is 71 years old (Instead congratulations)

Professor Khorazmiy is 71 years old

(Instead congratulations)


Our father Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy, as a result of pressure from all sides and injustice, moreover, as a result of tireless work, his heart became disabled. Therefore, he said that I could not achieve a pension (60 years), which we can not forget.

Khorazmiy is with his sons

Thanks to the grace of God, he exceeded 70. In September 2018, before performing a big heart operation, he said goodbye to everyone through the media (https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9_bHNtJEmGw&feature=youtu.be).  Frankly, we, too, were ready for God’s  fate ...

But when the famous British physicist, Professor Steven Hawking, like our father, was ready for God’s fate, and then lived more than half a century, and lived efficiently, which gives us a lot of hope.

Today (March 20, 2019), thanks to the fate of God, our father, in his tireless work and creative, is 71 years old. May God grand, he will live long in tireless creativity.

In 2019, in spite of the old age, he published an augmented 2nd edition of the 16th volume of Selected Works, called “Basics of Islam” and a 20th volume called “Destiny”.

Although so, he does not sit quietly. Every day, as if his last day, does not raise his head, he is working on 18B - the volume of Selected Works, which is called "Records from the Heart." We never saw that dad like others, relaxing TV watching. Such programs as: “Time”, “Information”, “News” and scientific, religious programs are watched only by mixing lunch or dinner.

When we say to him: “In all of your life, you did not shake yourself, as a result, you became disabled. Although now have a rest, fulfilling your prayers", he answered:" God gave us knowledge and a pencil not only for himself, also to leave to the future generation", and continues to read, write and create.

Khorazmiy with his Selected Works. 2019

Once: “Daddy, here in several languages ​​have published your Selected Works in more than 22 volumes. Some of them managed to become a bestseller. As your friend Stephen Hawking, God will make your life longer than you think what you will do? ”we asked. Then he replied: "If time is left from my prayers, then I would be engaged in the added 2nd and 3rd editions of my Selected Works."

The volume of the 2-edition of the 16th volume of the Selected Works of the dad, which is called "The Basics of Islam", almost doubled. And he did not reach his condition. Even now, the 15 and 18 volumes of the Selected Works consists of 2 and 3 books (volumes). These and 1, 4, 10, 12, 13 volumes when it comes to its condition, their volume in the future, each of them will consists of 3-4 books (volumes).

His Selected Works, which now consists of 22 volumes, when they come to their condition in the 2 nd edition, it is expected that their number will be within 50 books (volumes). Of course, for this all-powerful God if will give dad a long life and strength.

Father and son Khorazmis, England- 03/20/2019

It should be mentioned here, which is said in (sura-Balad, ayat-4) Quran: “We created a person for work and difficulties,” on the basis of which, dad in this life passes only in work and difficulties, not seeing pleasure. So he wrote the epigraph for nothing in his book “The History of Sad Days”: “Do not be sad, be glad when I leave this unjust world and get rid of his troubles and reach God.” Such a bitter dream does not go away.

For 3, 4, 10 volumes, the Selected Works of the Dad, which have scientific and educational values, already have interest and demand from Mozambique, Russia, Uzbekistan.

His 16th Selected Works, which is called: "The basis of Islam" is a guide not only for fans of Islam and Sufism (tasavuf), but also for many Central mosques. Which is proof of the significance of his Works.

According to those who read to father’s documentary-historical novel “The History of Sad Days” (Selected Works, Vol. 17) Zainab Borzieva from Ingushetia, Briton Martin Pope, Chuandra Singh from India, Chechen Dr. Ramzan, Marena from Lithuania, Olga Zagainova from Ukraine, while reading this book, they could not stop their tears.

Old students during their studies. 2019

Following the advice of the Prophet (Saw): “From the cradle to the coffin, seek knowledge” on the inclined (over 70) age, despite the long-standing professor and author of such books as: “Brief lessons of the holy Quran”, “Advices of the holy Hadith”, as a student,  under the guidance of scholars, who is  same age of the  grandson, studying the Quran and Arabic.

As a poet and thinker wrote:        Who is looking for wealth, this world is a treasure,

                                                         Who seeks pleasure, this world is  goodness,

                                                         Who is looking for something, certainly finds,

                                                         Who seeks knowledge, wisdom this world.

On the basis of this, all right, the father in this world refused life's pleasure, and sought knowledge, prayers and faith, God bless him he would find what is look for.

Oybek, Ulugbek, Muhammad Khorazmiys

UK, Stockport, March 2019



03/19/2019 at 9:32 PM

Happy Birthday Teacher!

Writing the Selected Works in 22 volumes you left in the dust  the late President I.Karimov.

If the Selected Works reaches 50 volumes, as stated in the article, then you overtake I.Stalin and approach V.Lenin.

  Sanamjon Khudaynazarovavа

03/19/2019 at 9:22 PM

The people of Khorezm love the teacher Khorazmiy. Recently, his songs “What would the world do without Khorezm ?!” Nasiba Sobirova made a clipp (https://youtu.be/P9zsZBNvn4g) which became a real hit. 

  Professor Bakhtiyar aka asserts that: “In the many thousands of stories of Khorezm, after Al-Khorezmi and Al-Beruni there were no scholars who wrote works in 20 volumes. Just after a thousand years, such a scientist appeared. ”   

        May God bless  our countryman from the pest of evil eyes. If God gives him a long life span, the teacher  Khorazmiy will have the amount of his work to reach 50 volumes.



   03/19/2019 at 11:41 PM

     The authors of the article spoke only about one or two teacher abilities.    10 years ago, the chief editor of the scientific and methodological journal "Technology Education", Professor P.Kalandarov called Khorezmi as a "scientist-encyclopedist."     

 On the occasion of the birthday of the teacher Khorazmiy edition Eltuz.som sent him musical congratulations. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUnoU5dxc3A&fbclid=IwAR2LPAXeAbGwQc_AEl4ZTxYQ66Qi28uXp_4FaI7-Sa15V5zzD3rlFlrFgD4).    If you look at this, you will see that Khorezmi is a good poet and singer. Like many, we also congratulate the dear teacher on his birthday!


03/20/2019 at 1:00 PM

Congratulations to Akhmad FATHER on his birthday!

1972-1981 Ahmad aka was called the “Father of people of Khorezm in Tashkent”. Baltabai Ataniyazov, Rashid Yakhshimuratov, Khudargan Mavlyanov, he  like a father and matchmaker, he married in his house in Tashkent. Currently, they are all professors, have children and grandchildren.

In November, Sharof Rashidov, who had just returned from Mozambique as head of the USSR delegation, said in a large meeting in Tashkent about Khorazmiy: "Thanks to the Khorezmians for raising such a scientist." During Karimov's rule, the Pride of Khorezm was written about him in central newspapers. Unfortunately, such scientists have become immigrants.

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