Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy is - 70 years old (continuation)
In literature
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy had already got acquainted with literature through the poetry of Makhdumkuli at primary school. He came to the literature, not knowing that beforehand, in 1962 (at the age of 14) with his 4 lines of a poem. The editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper “Khorazm hakikati”, the poet Egam Rakhim, called him on television "The Youngest Poet of Khorezm" (1, 9).
Khorazmiy became famous as a writer due to his journalistic articles, and such prosaic books like “Vakil” (1999), “Fate” (2002), “Khorezm’s Satyrs” (2009), “The Destiny of a Scientist” (2015), “History of Sad Days" (2018) (10, 13, E).
Therefore, the outstanding Turkish scholar and writer, Isa Kayazhan, the renowned Turkmen writer and diplomat, Annakuli Nurmammadov, the famous Uzbek poet and writer, Kholdor Vulcan wished him a "Have a good speed" in literary creation. And articles under their authorship were published in many countries in Uzbek, Russian, Turkish and English languages (10,11).
In 1999, facing difficult conditions was published A.Khorazmiy's book "Vakil" (photo-15). This book was a kind of sensation and brought to the author not only much recognition but some problems as well.
Photo - 15
The publication of the official recall of well-known journalists and artists on the "Vakil", entitled "A book written with bravery or an ax cut off the root of the disease" has led to even greater prominence of this book. As a result, this book is continuously published in 1999-2000 on the pages of the scientific production magazine "Agriculture of Uzbekistan" (10, 11, E).
Immediately after publication, this book was called "The Gulag Archipelago", and the author of the book was named as "Solzhenitsyn of Uzbekistan". From the side of Toyir Uchkun, was published - "About Solzhenitsyn of Uzbekistan and his book" an article in Uzbek, Russian, Turkish, English languages and it caused that A. Khorazmiy became known not only as a scientist, but also as a writer (9, E).
The historical novel in two books (volumes) by Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy "Destiny of a scientist" as the 15th volume of "Selected Works" (photo-16), was published in London in 2015 (M).
Photo - 15
This book begins with introduction words of the famous writer, laureate of the international award Makhdumkuly prize Annakuli Nurmammadov, a member of the Writer’s Association of Uzbekistan Nabizhan Bokiy. And this novel during three years was continuously published on pages of many Internet websites and it has got many reviews.
Despite the fact that some of his books have turned into bestsellers, songs written from quite a lot of poems by Khorazmiy are performed by well-known singers, he never claimed a writer or a poet rights (10, 14).
In the musical art
A.Khorazmiy’s interest in musical art began at the age of 8-10 years (in 1958) and he became a fan of the musical art of a great singer Komiljon Otaniyozov under the influence of his father.
And in the years when Khorazmiy was a student, he performed songs at events, birthday parties and weddings of friends, playing “tor” (a string instrument) and got extensive applause (picture-17).
Photo-17. А.Khorazmiy. Tashkent-2004.
He was fortunate to meet and speak with Komiljon Otaniyozov in Tashkent in the years (1973-1975) of studying for post graduate student.
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy received the blessing of K.Otanyozov: “Be great with your science, Amen, Allahu Akbar! I wish you would have musical art on the one hand, and on the other - literature! He followed Komiljon aka’s advices and worked hard in science. Both musical art and literature supplemented his life.
In literature he wrote amount of prose books, wrote countless of poems in different languages, and created music for some of them. Despite the fact that he had already reached the age of the Prophet Muhammad (63 years), he did not stop going in the direction of musical art and now he sings his teacher’s songs with the help of a tor instrument.
In 2012 A.Khorazmiy's song "My Motherland Khorezm", written by Komiljon Otaniyozov back in 1963, broadcasted on the waves of Radio Liberty (Ozodlik).
And In 2017 his concert "Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy Sings" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buJPawpgB0Y), accomplished concert in different languages, which was uploaded on YouTube and published on other websites. And fans of musical art much-admired with amazement.
The admirable thing is that the author of many lyrics and music of the songs of this concert was A.Khorazmiy himself.
As for his heritage and abilities of the famous writer and poet, the laureate of the international prize of Makhdumkuli on literature, Annakuli Nurmammadov wrote such lines in his poem "The Age of the Prophet is a blessing for you!":
You got your heritage from the great Oguzkhan,
From al-Khorazmiy, from the thinker Mahdumkuli,
The secrets of music from your teacher Komilzhon,
You have thousands of abilities, teacher Khorazmiy.
Photo-18. A portrait of K.Otaniyazov painted by architecture of A.Khorazmiy on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of K.Otaniyozov
On occasion of the centenary anniversary of Komiljon Otaniyozov, his "Music Conversation, the Memory of Professor Khorazmiy on Komiljon Otaniyozov" (photo-18) was released via YouTube. And this musical conversation was inspired from the side (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUOxteA39QA) of Komiljon Otaniyozov’s musical art admirers.
In sports
Interest of Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy in sports may have a genetic connection and passed from his father. Because, his father took part in demonstrative fighting competitions at big wedding events in Khorezm, Karakalpakstan and Turkmenistan, and won prizes (sheep).
A.Khorazmiy from a young age was interested in different kinds of sports. While completing high school he has jumped with a height of 173 cm, a length of 540 cm thereby set a record among learners in the schools of the district. His record, which was set more than fifty years ago, has so far been impossible to break.
Photo-19. Strongman A.Khorazmiy is in athletic performance in different periods and Countries
He always used to occupy first places in the school competitions in running for different distances. And he was a captain of the volleyball team, and in football he got nickname as "reinforced concrete goalkeeper." He had the second class in chess, the first class in checkers and was the champion of the district. In boxing, and especially, in swimming he showed good results.
Interest in fighting, especially his abilities in weightlifting were very high. Khorazmiy, his elder brother Urinbay, younger brother Shokirzhan, sons - Oybek and Ulugbek have never lost in the fights with their peers.
A. Khorazmiy's interest in weightlifting began from the (1962) day, when a famous Uzbek athlete Tulanbay Kurbanov visited their village and made a show in weightlifting.
By the autumn in 1963, a 15 - years old Khorazmiy could raise two pods (32 kg) with one hand 4-5 times. In the fight contests at weddings, not only his peers, but even elder wrestlers could not compete with him.
Unfortunately, his success in this field did not last longer than September 18 in 1963, when he fell dawn in the field where he was working, and got a serious injury in the bone of his right hand and it lead to the destruction of bones (osteomyelitis).
Remarkably, he didn’t stop doing workouts even in the hospital. Doctors warned him that with this hand he shouldn’t lift a weight of more than five kilograms and he was ascribed with the disability of the third group. But even in these conditions Khorazmiy didn’t stop trainings by lifting heavy weights.
Photo-20. A. Khorazmiy in the process of training with his daughters. Britain-2013
By 1967 having the same disability, he could raise not two, but three-pods (48 kg) weights. In the summer of the same year, he submits documents to join the Tashkent State University, specializing in Agrochemistry and Soil Science.
But commission of the University didn’t accept his documents saying "He is disabled!" When it seen his right hand, which looked terrible after six times of surgery operations.
- Okay, the last request, let the doctor give me her hand, and I would like grip her hand in front of you. If she can bear the pain, then I will agree with your decisions, - Khorazmiy said.
Doctor Galina Vasilievna said "F-uh, please!", and held out him her hand. Khorazmy firmly clasped the doctor's hand, shouting: "E Polvon strength!". Galina Vasilyevna could not bear the pain and screamed: "Ma-ma ah!" And peed in front of people. It turned out that the doctor's index finger got a dislocation and the little finger broke in two places.
About this was published a huge article in the university newspaper called "The Power of the disabled hand!". Thus, Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy passed a medical examination and became a university student (17).
Chess (Shatrange) - is king of games (or game of kings), battling on a chessboard is a battle of intellects. Chess appeared in India and spread to Persia, and from there to the entire Islamic world.
Chess has been played continuously for almost 1400 years. But, it is also known that they played in the millennium BC.
From ancient times to present days we know such great chess players as Muhammad bin Sirin, Said bin Zhudair, Hisham bin Urva, Alexander Alyokhin, Bobby Fisher, Garry Kasparov, Nigel Short and they are recognized as chess geniuses.
Photo-21. Situation at the end of the game
There is the fact that Professor A.Khorazmiy played chess with the European and the world champion - Nigel Short, the game had dead heat result, and stunned the British people (photo-21).
A.Khorazmiy is not a professional chess player, although his chess life is like an adventure. He came to the conclusion that on the basis of chess life that chess is not only a beautiful and interesting game, but also sports, adventures, creativity, science, life and art.
Manager – organizer
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy worked as the head of the agriculture department of the district committee and the regional committee (Hokimiyat), the director of the large state farm Bagat, the chairman of the inter-district association Uzselkhozkhimiya, the director of the regional Science and Technology Center, the responsible worker of the regional Government (Hokimiyat), the director of the Khorezm branch of the Uzbek Cotton Institute and has achieved great success (photo-22).
Photo-22. Director of the Institute prof. Khorazmiy conducts the Scientific Council. 1997
Wherever he worked, he remained loyal to his motto: "The leader must leave a mark!".
State farm Bagat turned into human resources center during the management of A.Khorazmiy. As a result of his high authority among the heads of the region, the secretary of the party committee of the state farm, U. Matyakubov, by recommendation of Khorazmiy became a chairman of the district executive committee.
His vice for cultural affairs H.Allaberganov became chairman of the kolkhoz named “Navai”, another vice A. Allayarov - chairman of the “Atov” farm. Senior engineer Khudargan became chairman of the collective farm Abad of the Khazorasp district. K. Abdullaev, his vice for agriculture affairs, prepared for the chairman position of the kolkhoz (in Khanka), where he lived in (20).
Photo-22B. Director of the state farm Bagat: A. Khorazmiy and M. Kuvakov. 1991
He worked day and night tirelessly to convert agriculture into scientific basis. His ecological method (No. IDP 04369) on the timing and methods of cotton fertilization have been extensively used.
By initiative of the director, put on production crop rotation "Cotton-rice" and "Cotton-wheat-rice". As a result, in 1989 the state farm fulfilled the plan of gathering cotton on October 3, the first in the republic. In the years when he supervised the state farm, even one kg of cotton was not picked up with hands (6, 20).
In Islam and charity
His activities in Islam began in 1951 (at the age of 3 years old), when he began studying the Holy Quran (3), under the guidance of the famous theologian Abdullah-kari (photo-23).
Photo-23. Abdullah-kari (Makhsim baba)
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy during the control of the atheists system (communists), prayed secretly. But even in that (1990's) time, without fear of the ideology of the system, was the organizer of the construction of a number of mosques and tombs.
In the years of Uzbekistan’s independence he wrote such books as: "Brief Lessons of the Holy Quran" (photo-24), "Hadith Sharif's Advices" (photo-25) (12).
By obligations of the Islamic Sharia, which are fulfilled from the age of 12, he didn’t miss none of the prayers, besides he knows by heart many chapters and verses of the Holy Quran, also knows names of 114 chapters (Suras) of the Holy Quran and their meanings, as well as 66 books of the Bible with meanings.
He also knows by heart 99 names of Allah and makes dhikr (mention) quite a lot of times a day, he also knows not only the names, but also the external outlines (presentation) of 40 teachers of tariqat (way) Nakshbandi, they lead to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the knowledge of all this is a rare ability that humanity has (12, 15).
And there is the fact that when A.Khorazmiy worked as a director of the state farm Bagat, landscaped the cemetery and built a mosque with his own money, for which according to the report of Kamil Nurzhan, the second secretary of the communist party committee Leonid Netyaga requested the district council to consider the question of his retirement from work (12 ).
Its noteworthy that the mosque "Nurzhan Bobo", which was built by A.Khorazmiy, is the only mosque in the territory of the state farm, which is 8,5 thousand hectares of land. And this mosque is called "Khorazmiy Mosque" by majority people of the state farm (15).
The mosques: "Imorat Bobo", "Arali eshon", the Shirvali Bobo Tomb and the Turkmanklik mahalla center (photo-26) all was built under the leadership or personal savings of A.Khorazmiy. There were published materials such as "The Charity of Professor Khorazmiy” on television and newspapers (photo-27).
In the Holy Quran and the Hadiths it is pointed out that every Muslim should have openhandedness.
The construction of a mosque and the center of the street (mahalla), the construction of tombs of great ancestors, the repairing of graveyard is certainly considered as a charity. Along with these, reclamation of abandoned lands, road constructions, excavation of wells, bringing water were also considered as decent deeds.
A.Khorazmiy with his own foundation’s money and with his work made gardens of abandoned lands, provided water to the local people by making wells. About these good deeds published articles in the press like "The Haji Ota's Charity" (photo-28) (5, 7).
In the summer of 2017, on the website "Dunyo Uzkleklari" was organized material support for the well-known writer M. Makhmudov (Evril Turan), who spent 17 years in Karimov’s prison and lost his health.
One of the participants of this event was A.Khorazmiy. His help was distinctive, that’s why some details of this event are given below:
Hi Ismadzhan. To my pension I added food allowance of the three-year-old son Muhammadjan and just have sent through Western Union to Vatan Makhmudova 167.49 US dollars for Mamadali aka. Papers of the sent money are attached. Please, deliver our prayers and little amount of money - help to Vatan Makhmudova.
Sincerely, Ahmad-hoji and Muhammad Khorazmiys.
Stockport City, United Kingdom
04/22/2017 at 11:03 AM
Ismat aka, you and your material activities for Mamadali Mahmudov showed how charitable the Uzbek people are.
We had heartwarming feeling from the message of A. Khorazmiy. He regretted that he was not rich. And he sent his pension with the money of his son’s food allowance. He did not think and question himself “what will we eat”. This is the sign of true nobility (19).
In Sufism and tariqat
Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy since 1999 under the influence of the great scientist of Sufism, the professor Arif Usman and the Theologian Imam Karimullah, began prayers of tariqat (path) Naqshbandi with great faith and sincerity as a Sufi for Naqshbandi.
In science of Sufism conducted research, spoke on the Central Television of Uzbekistan. He published many of scientific articles such as: "Sufism and Tariqat", "Teacher of Sheikhs", "Studies and Tarikat of Bahauddin Naqshbandi" and others.
Since 2006, he lectured in the central (zhome) mosques of Great Britain (photo-29) on themes: "Sufism and Tariqat", "Studies and Tariqat of Bahauddin Naqshbandi" and fans of tariqats and followers honorably called him "Sheikh Khorazmiy", which is noteworthy.
Photo-29. Khorazmiy is delivering a lecture
Based on long-term researches (studies) and prayers for Sufism and Naqshbandi, using ijtihad, he introduced several prayers to Naqshbandi's prayers and founded a new tariqat "Naqshbandi-Khorazmiy". When in practice was convinced the high effect of this tariqat, he and his followers (murids) continued to pray on this tariqat.
Photo-30. A.Khorazmiy in the Sufi tariqat
He opened additional (new) prayers consist as following:
-To read the etiquette of the Tariqat Nakshbandi, read 4 kalima recommended by Sheikh Ahmad Yassaviy.
- As the 12th etiquette, after the "Vukufi adadiy" (also during the reading (dhikr) of the names of Allah), one should repeat the names of Allah in the same frequency, with a heartbeat (pulse).
- List the names of 66 books of the Bible and 114 Suras (chapters) of the Holy Quran and ask for wise knowledge from these sacred books.
- In the process of performing the tariqat prayer, the heart of the Sufi becomes a source of strength and at this time one should make appropriate prayers and worship (18).
The words of Khorazmiy – as slogans and advices
Basically, individual words of famous scientists, artists and statesmen hang like slogans and words in different places and organization, institutions. Of course, this is done at the direction of the government.
But, in very rare cases, on the insatiatives of the people and individual leaders to hang slogans and advice of a person not being a statesman.
One can meet such slogans of Professor Khorazmiy as:
For science they have felt lifelong anguish and torment,
May God give them his blessing and show his support.
Scientists have become the heirs to the Prophet,
Devoting their whole life to the benefit of the people. (photo-31),
Photo-31. In scientific institutions
"There will be no future in those states that do not value science and scientists"(photo-32), "The leader must leave a trace" in a number of scientific and educational institutions, in the offices of managers of different levels and other places in Uzbekistan.
The slogan on photo-32, which is hanging in educational institutions of Uzbekistan under the name of I.Karimov, in fact belongs to A.Khorazmiy.
Photo-32. In educational institutions
Such words of Khorazmiy as: "The deepen you delve the various sciences and creativity, the more you feel your knowledge is superficial" to beautify books not only of himself, but also books of many scientists and writers.
A.Khorazmiy on the basis of the Holy Quran and the science of Sufism created such advice as:
We should agree – to our God-given fate,
We should be grateful – for such a day,
We should be patient – for the difficulties of life,
We should have hope – for a good day
And this advice has become a life motto and program of action for the lives of many people (12, 15).
More than 40 articles, radio and TV essays have been written about the life and activity of Khorazmiy. Songs written on Khorazmiys rhymes and poems dedicated to him, are broadcasted on radio and television programms and in wedding celebrations and events (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Q-5yV7Hg8). He is father of nine children and the beloved grandfather of many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The main sources published about A.Khorazmiy
1-Mahkam Rahmon. Behind the fog there is the Sun. (in Uzbek), newspaper "Turkistan", Tashkent - 1979, 21 - April.
2-Ruzmetov B. Dokuchaev of Khorezm. (in Russian) "Khorezm’s truth" newspaper Urgench-1993, 25-March.
3-Ruzimbay Hasan. Pride of Khorazm. (in Uzbek), newspaper "Village’s truth", Tashkent-1994. 1-April.
4-Ruzimbay Hasan. In the footsteps of al-Khorazmiy. (in Turkmen), newspaper "Homeland" (Watan), Ashgabat-1994. 9-April.
5-Ruzimbay Hasan. Generosity of Professor Khorazmiy. (in Uzbek) newspaper " Khorezm’s truth". Urgench-1994. August 24.
6-Doschanov T, and others. Counselor of Khorezm’s farmers. (in Uzbek) magazine "Agriculture of Uzbekistan". № 3, Tashkent-1998.
7-Kurbanboev B. Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy. (in Uzbek) Video film. Khorezm’s television. Urgench-1998. 20-March. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ga1ntIJkag&t=11s
8-Kalandarov P. The encyclopedic scientist (teacher) is - 60 years old. (in Uzbek) magazine " Educational Technology". №5, Tashkent-2008.
9-Toyir Uchkun. About Solzhenicen of Uzbekistan and his book. (in Turkish). Newspaper "Europe". London 2009. 20-August.
10-Nurmammedov A, and others. The creative path of professor Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy or “Have a good trip” to creativity in literature. (in Turkish) Scientific and literary magazine "BAY", No. 170, Kosovo-2009.
11-Richard Bringarten. Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy. (in English) interlitq.org/issue9/volta/uzbek/bio.php Cambridge-2009, November,
12-Kayazhan I, and others. Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy – the Prophet’s age or 60 years in Islam. (in Turkish) Scientific and literary magazine "BAY", No. 186, Kosovo-2011.
13-Ballam J. Akhmad Khorazmiy (in English), Collection "Minds in May", "Silkway Publishing", Oxford-2012.
14-Narbaev B. About professor A.Khorazmiy (in Uzbek) Newspaper «Turkestan’s Morning» www.turkistontongi.com №11- (21) (Chimkent) Kazakhstan-2013.
15-Khorazmiy O, and others. About Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy (in Uzbek, Russian, Turkish, English, Turkmen) Selected works, 1-volume. London 2015.
16-Akhmad-hoji Khasanovich Khorazmiy. Autobiography with relevant documents. horazmiy.ucoz.com http://horazmiy.ucoz.com/publ/akhmad_ozhi_khasanovich_khorazmij_tarzhimai_oli_tegishli_uzhzhatlar_bilan/1-1-0-104 2012- October.
17-Toyir Uchkun. History of athletic sportsman Akhmad. horazmiy.ucoz.com 2010-April. http://horazmiy.ucoz.com/publ/akhmad_pakhlavon_issasi/1-1-0-28
18-Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy in the Prophet’s (63) age. YouTube http://viyoutube.com/video/kscbVoVVdrI/axmad%20hoji%20xorazmiy
19-Elamanova N. Symbol (Khatamtai) of Charity. "horazmiy.ucoz.com". July 2017. (http://horazmiy.ucoz.com/publ/khabarlar/sa_ovatpesha_otamtoj_lik_ramzi/7-1-0-314).
20-Ibragimov Sh. The story of one picture or the pure truth about Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy. (in Uzbek, Russian, English), "Dunyouzbeklari" 2017-August. (http://www.dunyouzbeklari.com/?p=180109)
The main works of Professor Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy
Professor Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy wrote over 30 books and treatises (photo-33), more than 200 articles in the scientific, educational, religious and literary thematic. Created different inventions and discoveries. Below are the main features:
Photo-33. Books and treatises by Prof. Khorazmiy
A) -Enforcement of natural hayfields and pastures of Uzbekistan. (in Russian) Publishing house "Fan", Tashkent-1982.
B)-Cotton Growing Demand for Mozambique. (in Portuguese, in Russian) Publishing House “Mehnat”, Tashkent-1991.
C)-Scientific foundations for increasing the productivity of fertilizers. (in Uzbek) Publishing House "Fan", Tashkent-1994.
D)-Scientific basis of fertilizing of fodder plants in different soil and climatic conditions of the globe. (in Russian) Publishing house "Fan", Tashkent - 1996.
G)-Scientific basis of Khorezms agriculture. (in Uzbek) Publishing house "Fan", Tashkent - 1996.
E)- Comissioner. (Vakil) (in Uzbek), Publishing house "Khorezm" Urgench -1999.
G)-Ecological and economic bases of plant fertilization (in Uzbek), Urgench - 2000.
I)-Life dedicated to science. (in Uzbek), Publishing house "Khorezm" Urgench – 2001.
K)-Short lessons of the Holy Quran. (in Uzbek), Khorezm - 2002.
L)-Soil properties and the basis of fertilizer application. (in Uzbek), Tashkent - 2004.
M)-Advices of the Holy Hadiths. (in Uzbek) Supplemented 2nd edition, London-2007.
O)-Selected works in 1-17 volumes. (in Uzbek, Tajik, Russian, English) London-2015.
Analyzing the given above brief description of the creativity and life of Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy, we came to the decision that in the modern world such encyclopedic scientist and creative personalities are rare.
Ten years ago, a multifaceted article "The Encyclopedic (teacher) Scientist - 60 years old" was published in the scientific methodical journal "Educational Technologies” (2008, No. 5), which was well received by thousands of scientists and educators, and this can be regarded as a document confirming that A.Khorazmiy has long been recognized as a scholarly encyclopedic and a creative personality.
The given summary was written on the occasion of the 70 years anniversary of the famous scientist brief acknowledgment of his creativity in world of creativeness and science and contains short survey of his life and work.
The purpose of this book - according to the proverb "Whoever revenges (envies) is destructs, who discusses (admires) improves" to be an example the life and activity of the hero of this book, for the present and future generations, and they admired and sought to surpass it.
The lines of individual quatrains and poems dedicated
to Akhmad-hoji Khorazmiy.....................................................................2
From the authors.....................................................................................3
Brief autobiography A. Kh. Khorazmiy and some documents related to him ...........................................................4
Childhood and Education......................................................................11
In science ...............................................................................................12
In literature..............................................................................................18
In the art of music...................................................................................20
In sports...................................................................................................22
In Islam and Charity….............................................................................27
In Sufism and tariqat ..............................................................................29
Khorazmiy Publishing
L о n d о n – 2018